Monday, October 19, 2009

Blessed are the extroverts?

All my life I have been asked, "Are you always this quiet?" Other times, I have been outright branded as "quiet" or an "introvert." I always believed them. I thought it was my character flaw. I thought to myself, "If only if I could be more talkative, more interesting, more popular, better with people." Yet, people always talked to me. I was the person the outsiders turned to. The unpopular people were drawn to me. I made them feel comfortable, I think. I wasn't bad with people. That was not the problem and it was not my character flaw.
Instead, the problem is with society and the people who believe in it. There are those who believe in Jesus, but their religion is society. They keep society's commandments and worship her idols. They believe, "Thou shalt be outspoken and popular." They proclaim, "Thou shalt be loud and bubbly." Don't forget the age old adage, "If you make someone feel uncomfortable about the way they are living (ie if you don't drink at parties or don't join in gambling) then those who feel uncomfortable should make YOU feel uncomfortable and as if you are WRONG, because you obviously are, right?"
This is a lie. Plain and simple.
What did Jesus say? "Blessed are the meek. They will inherit the earth." (Matt. 5)
What is a meek, you say? A fuzzy animal that you make into a coat?

Let's review.
1. enduring injury with patience and without resentment
2. not violent

Are the meek loud or are they quiet?
I'm not introverted. I'm not quiet. I am meek. I endeavor to speak when the Lord tells me to and not before. I know that the tongue is the part of the body that gets most people into trouble most often. It's hard to control. Sometimes you'd think it has a mind of its own (James 3).

Blessed are the meek. Blessed are those who endure less than polite treatment. Blessed are those who obey God given authority. Blessed are the quiet and calm. Blessed are the less popular.

The ironic thing here? It is not just the non-religious or non-Christians in my life that accuse me of being quiet, it is the churched and the Jesus followers as well.

Satan is tricky. He's convinced us that in this age of "equality" and "rights" for everyone, that means we should all make our opinions known all the time, as loudly as possible. I'm willing to bet he is wrong. I believe, as Christians, we should be meek.


  1. meek, not to be confused with weak. you're absolutely right :)..glad I found my way here.

  2. This is just for you-
