Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

Today is a day for
feeling sorry for your sin,
repenting, and
asking for God's forgiveness.

Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust. The world is fading a way. The flowers fade and the grasses wither and die.
 Sackcloth and Ashes

Before the time of Christ, the Hebrews would put on sackcloth and pour ashes over their heads as a sign of sorrow, humility or morning. By doing this, they were telling God that they wanted to return to him and that they were repenting of their sin.

I used to think of this day as a needlessly somber day. Then I started thinking about it in terms of how much my sin, and the sin of the whole world has offended God. In that respect we could stand to be somber for one day, at least. Jesus wants us to rejoice with him, but we can also cry with him.

 How Long, O Lord?

I'm not sure if you have ever experienced this, but has anything ever hurt your soul in a way that you thought: "I'm feeling what God feels right now"? Sometimes I feel that way. If I am reminded of abortion, abuse, helplessness, tragedy, most of the time I think, "that's sad," and move on. But sometimes I burst into tears at the slightest mention of it. Have you ever wailed over someone you never knew? I have. As human beings, we're not programmed to do that. My own selfishness usually keeps me from feeling that strongly for a person I never knew and never will know. I think sometimes God gives us a little taste of what it's like to be like him. He is so pure, and the darkness of sin causes him such anguish.

After all, Paul didn't just say that we're going to share in Christ's resurrection. We should also share in his sufferings (Phil. 3:10).

Those are my thoughts on Ash Wednesday.
If only I didn't have to work today so I could spend more time praying. I guess, that's my Ash Wednesday sorrow.

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